What if YOU KNEW how to train the best way, so running doesn’t always feel hard and you’re not always shattered after a long run?

What if YOU KNEW what running to do to improve your running fitness and strength, and increase the distance you run?

What if YOU KNEW how to avoid training runners injuries, such as shin-splints, groin and hamstring strains?

What if YOU KNEW what to eat now you’re training for a race, because you’d also like to lose a few pounds?

And what if YOU KNEW how to keep training, to make training for your marathon a habit and part of your life?

You'll learn all this and MORE in the Marathon Club Hub foundation trainings

So your goal is just to enjoy the race.

Your stretch goal?

How about, to run it 30 MINUTES FASTER than you think possible today

Ambitious? Absolutely. Achievable? Totally!

But HOW?

Because no matter that you’re at the start of your training journey - Marathon Club Hub has what you need to accelerate your training

Still day-dreaming about running the race of your dreams - Marathon Club Hub has you sorted!

Googling "How do I run a marathon?" 12 times a day - Marathon Club Hub has you sorted!

Facebooking "what's everyone doing about ... (insert random running question)" - Marathon Club Hub has you sorted!

I dare you to use training plans, plus coaching advice and support in Marathon Club Hub and NOT get these results

But HOW will Marathon Club Hub help you run your first marathon in the next 12 months?

By not just teaching you everything you need to know

By not just giving you the fastest and most effective way to train

But, by also inspiring, motivating and encouraging you to put everything into action in the easiest, most logical way to get the marathon running results that you want

If you're a first-time marathon runner you'll start with our Marathon Accelerator Pre-Training Programme

The Training Runs Every Runner Should Do

A training that introduces you to the basics, so you can get your running at training off to the best start and explains the different running workouts you'll do as your training builds

How To Run With Good Running Form

You'll learn how to run efficiently and avoid bad habits from the start, so you can become a more efficient runner with less risk of injury as you progress

How To Warm-Up, Cool-Down & Stretch

A training that explains what to do before and after you run and why warming-up before a run and cooling-down after will mean you can get more out of every minute you run and recover quicker after

Conditioning To Keep Injury-Free

You'll learn how including strength and conditioning work in your training can help keep you injury-free.  This training is essential to watch whatever level of runner you are.

How to Eat Right for Running

A good diet is critical for marathon training. You'll learn about the 5 food fundamentals for running and marathon training success

Set Goals for Your Marathon

Having a clear goal for your marathon will help focus your training and keep you motivated when training gets tough and you want to give up

Long Runs Made Easy

Your weekly long run is the critical run in marathon training. You'll learn how to run them to get maximum training advantage from every minute, every mile run

How To Fuel For Long Runs

In this training you'll learn how to eat right to fuel your long runs, including what to eat to load up on energy beforehand and how to correctly eat on your long run so you've got bags of energy to run

How to Manage Your Mind

Training for a marathon can seem never-ending. Runners can struggle to keep up with the demands of weeks and weeks of training. In this training you'll with tips to keep motivated with your training right up until race-day itself.

How To Recover From Long Runs

What you do immediately after a long run impacts on how well you’ll be able to run and train in the following days. This training will give you with advice for recovering from your long runs that can be draining.

How To Avoid Burnout

As the weeks of running and training hard go by enthusiasm for running can start to wain. This training will give you advice to help you manage your energy levels, to make sure you're not 'burning out' ahead of your race.

How To Run Your Final Long Runs

With only a few weeks to go until race-day your final long run will be looming. In this training you'll learn what to do in your final long runs to make sure you’ve tested everything well ahead of your marathon.

How To Eat To Avoid Hunger

As your training ramps up, the quality of your diet, how much and when you eat has a direct impact on your running. You'll learn how to eat right for your marathon training so you eat enough for energy, but not too much you put on weight.

How To Meal Plan For Training

In this training you'll learn how to align your diet with your training and plan meals and snacks to ensure you've always got energy for training and you can recover quickly after running.

How To Taper For Your Race

The final few weeks of marathon training your training will ease off. This is called taper. This training explains why you need to taper and how to avoid some of the most common taper mistakes.

How To Carb-Load

It’s critical that you arrive at the start-line of your marathon full of energy and ready to race. We do that by ‘carb-loading’. In this training I help you plan your 'carb loading' and eating right ahead of your marathon.

The Secrets of Race-Day Success

The week before race-week is STRESSSSSS WEEK! Most first and next-time marathoners are gripped with panic and ‘maranoia’.

In this call I'm going to answer your final race-pre questions and also give you some final tips and advice to manage 'race-week maranoia'. Let’s do this!

How to Run Your Race Strong

In this training you'll learn why pacing is so important to run your marathon strong, plus you'll get advice to help you avoid running like a rocket at the start!

How To Recover After Your Race

In this training you'll learn what to do immediately you cross the finish line, so you can enjoy the rest of race-day, as well as advice for a speedy recovery after your race.

I lead the charge in coaching runners, who don’t see themselves as real runners, to help them smash their marathon running goals

My people are not natural runners, and might not have done much running or exercise since school. But they’re determined to follow a plan, take on-board advice and train to run their best, be their absolute best, and run strong and with a smile right to the finish-line of their race.

And … be open to the possibility of something magic happening as they cross the finish-line to finally realise a life-long marathon running dream.

I've run 20+ marathons myself, having been labelled 'The Lazy Kid' at school, and in 2023 when osteoarthritis hit I power-walked London Marathon in a stocking 5:48 hour time!

Over the past 6 years I’ve coached 600+ runners, taking them from nervous, intimidated, overwhelmed and unsure, to running with confidence, totally smashing their marathon running goal!

Unlike most coaches I focus on working with first-time marathon runners and those who want to improve on a previous marathon time.

I want you to understand WHY you’re training a certain way. So I don't use complicated language or confusing jargon. 

I'll take you step by step, explaining WHAT you need to do and WHY, every step of your marathon training journey.

I can't wait to share with you the secret training hacks I have used to take hundreds of runners from lost, dazed and confused to running strong, and with a smile, right to the finish-line of their race.

Claire, London Marathon Runner

Before I joined Marathon Club Hub, I’d been running for about 8 years, but knew I wasn’t doing the right types of running to improve, or to run further than 13 miles. I was just plodding around running the same speed, run after run. 

I needed some expert input to improve my running endurance to get me to marathon distance. 

Since joining Marathon Club Hub I can run faster and for longer. I also understand the different types of training run and why they are so important, so I hope to continue improving with time. 

Debi, Sydney Marathon Runner

Turning 50, I felt I had passed my running peak. I didn’t think my legs could manage running a marathon, as I was always tired and sore after a race.

Joining Marathon Club Hub was a game changer. 

I can now run long distances without the burden on my legs that had previously limited my goals. My diet, something I’ve struggled with all my life, is finally at a place where I effortlessly eat healthy, balanced meals every day that support my running and my active job.

Training this way I’ve realised that getting older doesn’t mean you have to give up on your dreams and that you can be fitter than your younger self!

Fiona, London Marathon Runner

Before I joined Marathon Club Hub I just went out and ran. I thought if I completed all the running in a plan, not bothering with rest, I could get round the race I was training for. But even with all the running I was doing I always struggled to finish a race. So I wasn’t sure I’d be able to complete a marathon.

What I’ve learned is that running is only part of training. Including conditioning, stretching, foam rolling, yoga, improving my diet and understanding the different runs have transformed my running. 

Training this way, I can run furtherer than ever before and completed my first marathon without thinking “why am I doing this?” and I even enjoyed it!

Fiona, London Marathon Runner

When I got my place, my running consisted of the occasional 10k and running with friends to catch up on gossip. 2022 was a big year, I turned 50 (gulp) had clear signs of impending menopause, crunching knees and a serious lack of spare time.

How to start? What to eat? How to train? All the plans online looked super-intense with 5 runs a week. How could I possibly fit that into an already busy life? I needed help and joining Club Hub to train.

Apart from the training plan itself, the best thing about Marathon Club Hub was the education. Turns out there is a lot to know about running a marathon if you want to do it properly and have a good experience. 

Jane, London Marathon Runner

When I started running I entered a few 10ks and halves but never thought I could run a marathon, I didn’t think I had it in me.

Following Helen’s advice and coaching plans (where she explained WHY we were doing different runs), conditioning workouts and nutrition, and the group members chivvying each other along, we’ve all become marathoners.

By slowing down my training runs to run at an ‘easy’ pace I’ve got faster in my competitive runs, getting PBs this year at parkrun, 10k and half marathon distances, and I’m the fittest I’ve ever been!

After running London Marathon I know that I can do whatever I put my mind to in all aspects of life. 

Julie, London Marathon Runner

I wanted to run a marathon to celebrate my 60th year, but needed guidance, advice and support to do it. 

I had run : walked numerous half marathons, I had no idea what to do to complete a marathon.

I loved the whole experience of training with Marathon Club Hub.


The weekly workshops spoon-fed me, so I knew what to do in my training and when. I learned so much about nutrition, exercise and running. I love the comradely of the Marathon Club Hub community runners supporting each other through the weeks of training.

Helen, you speak our language irrespective of where we are on our running and marathon training journey. This means so much. 

Last year, before I joined Marathon Club Hub I’d fallen out of love with running, but have now found it again, plus some!

Your Marathon Training Journey Starts HERE!

  Start HERE
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Your Marathon Training Journey
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Foundation Trainings
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Marathon Training Programme: Build Your Base Coaching Modules
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Marathon Training Programme: Progress to Peak Performance Coaching Modules
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Marathon Training Programme: Prepare to Race Coaching Modules
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Marathon Training Programme: Recover from Your Race Coaching Modules
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Marathon Training Programme: Recover from Your Race: Running & Conditioning
Available in days
days after you enrol
  New Runner Training Programme
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Pre-Training Foundation Week 1
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Pre-Training Foundation Week 2
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Pre-Training Foundation Week 3
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Pre-Training Foundation Week 4
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Pre-Training Foundation Week 5
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Marathon Training Programme: Training Plan
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Marathon Training Programme: Conditioning Workouts
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Other Training Plans
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Bonus 1: QuickStart to Marathon Training Success
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Bonus 2: Fabulous Fundraising Ideas
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Bonus 3: Yoga for Runners Programme
Available in days
days after you enrol
  Bonus 4: Workshop Replays
Available in days
days after you enrol

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