Marathon Club Hub

Join our women-only training programme, where you'll be guided and supported through the challenge of training for a marathon, to run strong to the finish-line, at any age!

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"Joining Marathon Club Hub was the best decision I made to train for my first marathon.

Having never run before applying for a place to run London Marathon, I was concerned whether I had what it takes to run the full marathon distance. I knew nothing about the different types of running that would help my training, how to fuel my funs and even what to expect when running alongside thousands of other runners on race-day!

Joining Marathon Club Hub was the best decision I made. The group was like my own little support network throughout my training.

I loved our coaching calls. Helen is so supportive and informative that I come away believing more and more in my ability to run!

I’ve learnt so much by being a member of Marathon Club Hub that I don’t want to let go of this newfound self-belief. I’m therefore determined to enter more races, whether this means running in a race or running virtual races for the time being".

Kate, London Marathon Runner

"Before I got a place to run London Marathon for charity my running was a bit ad-hoc. I ran on a treadmill and ran parkruns, just trying to run without really knowing what I was doing. When I got my place I realised I needed to ‘get serious’ about my training, so joined Marathon Club Hub.

The positivity that Helen exudes is just brilliant, and she’s inclusive, which was one of the most important things for me. Being a snail (or sloth) runner I’m never going to be winning anything, but I felt comfortable and supported by Helen and the group, unlike other running groups I had joined, where I was made to feel like an outsider and ‘not a real runner’.

Training with Marathon Club Hub my times have been improving, and I feel so much better, fitter, healthier and happier.

When I first started running, I was fat shamed by people and just wanted to cover up. Training with Marathon Club Hub has given me my confidence back. When I ran my last half … I wore ‘short’ shorts and a sleeveless vest top and just felt fantastic, and couldn’t care less about anyone else!"

Erica London Marathon Runner

"I asked for help after getting a ballot place to run London Marathon in 2019. I was new to running and found everything I Googled confusing. I was really anxious as I’d never ran a marathon before.

I was confused about running plans, pace, what food I should be eating, warming up, cooling down, pretty much everything!Instead of feeling stressed and anxious, after coaching I was excited and felt confident in my plan, training and running the marathon itself.

What Helen doesn’t know about running isn’t worth knowing!

Thank you so much Cheesecake Runner! x"

Reanne, London Marathon Runner