Marathon Club Hub

Join our women-only training programme, where you'll be guided and supported through the challenge of training for a marathon, to run strong to the finish-line, at any age!

JOIN Autumn Training RunCamp NOW!

Post autumn marathon RunCamp kicks off NOW!

Let's do this!





Go from feeling worried you've lost all your fitness since your marathon and unsure how to get back training ...

... to feeling focused and confident you're on the right track to full fitness and having the motivation to keep going and to train to run more fabulous PB's this year.

Hey! I'm Helen

The Cheesecake Runner x

Did I hear you've lost your mojo and not run much since your marathon?

I'm going to help you

Get Your Motivation and Mojo for Running Back this Winter!

👍 Even if you've completely lost all focus since your race, and you've only been for the occasional 'jog' in park during the past few weeks

👍 And you're confused about what to do right now to restart your running ... and whether there's any point to do anything more this year



BUT STOP! Don’t read this page if …

🤚 You’re set in your ways and not willing to make changes to your lifestyle to run

🤚 You’re looking for a quick fix and want to run fast and far without putting in any effort to get fit

🤚 You think you know everything there is to know about running, and don’t think you could benefit from an experienced and knowledgeable team behind you

🤚 You have medical issues and your doctor doesn’t advise running

🤚 You think you can get running and keep motivated this summer alone, without some 'let's do this' guidance, support and advice

Then Marathon Club Hub Autumn RunCamp isn’t for you
In fact nothing much can help you short of a miracle

(and anyone who promises you otherwise is just trying to rob you of your money and your dignity)


👍 You are determined to get fit, train hard and are committed to training for another great race next year

👍 You want a toolbox of simple, powerful actions that’ll get you going, keep you motivated and on track with your training through winter

👍 And you want to FINALLY get focused to smash some winter PB's then get ready to train run another race next year

Then read on ...

Marathon Club Hub is a virtual running & training club, packed full of juicy advice and tips, for 'I'm not a runner' runners with a dream to someday run a marathon

If you've always secretly wanted to run a marathon, but never had the nerve to get going, this is your lucky year ... Marathon Club Hub is here to guide you on your journey

Marathon Club Hub will support you and give you all the critical information and advice you need to prepare to run your marathon, half or other awesome race

Without getting injured, putting on weight or pimping your first born to fund your charity race place!


Join us to keep focused on training this winter right NOW!

When you join Autumn Training RunCamp I will help you regain your running mojo and focus to run, so you’re fired up and in great shape, physically fitter and mentally ready to train well and train hard for your dream marathon next year.

Here are some of the goodies you'll get in

Marathon Club Hub Autumn RunCamp

🏆 A Running Plan plus running advice on how to get the most out of your runs, so that you’re running better, faster and physically fitter from your running at the end of of the year.

🏆 Conditioning workouts to help you running strong and with good form, so you’re a more resilient runner when you come to train for your race next year.

As well as running and conditioning workouts, each week you’ll have coaching with essential advice on how to train well, eat right and run strong, and actions to focus on that week to help you ramp up your running this year.

👍!! Sounds Great Sign me Up NOW!! 👍


And if you want to know more …

Your Running

To give marathon training your best shot this year you need to start running now, to dial up your fitness, stamina and speed.

If you’re totally new to running, or have only ran about 5k before your focus will be to get running regularly to build up your strength and stamina building up to running 5k or even 10k strong first.

If you’ve already ran a few 10k’s or half marathons you’ll focus on building up your running, focusing on speed, to aim for a half marathon PB first, so you’ll be confident you’re ready train for your race.

If you're running a spring race, we've just kicked off Marathon Training.

As well as jargon-free training plans for beginners, first and next-time marathoners you'll get advice on how to run each of the running workouts in your plan, so you're set up for race-day success.

Your Body Conditioning

Marathon training puts immense stress and strain on your body and quite a number of runners who enter marathons don’t make it to the start, due to injury.

A lot of running injuries are due to poor running form, doing too much too soon, or ignoring strength and conditioning work.

You'll get guidance and tips on how to run with good form and give you weekly strength and conditioning challenges to help build you into a strong and stable runner to help prevent niggles and injuries that are all too common amongst first-timers.

Food for Fitness

Having a good healthy diet is essential to support your marathon training. You are what you eat, and your running performance and recovery depends upon how you feed and fuel you body.

A lot of new marathoners see training as a great way to burn calories and lose weight.

Think again!

A study of US charity marathon runners found that only 11% lost weight through 16 weeks of training (and another 11% gained!)

To avoid piling on the pounds you'll get advice on the best diet and nutrition to support your training.

You’ll learn how what and when to eat, without dieting or restricting your food, to support your training and make sure you can recover from your runs for results.

Fabulous Fundraising

Ask any first time marathoner what was the hardest thing they had to do to prepare, and without fail they’ll say raising the funds pledged for their charity place.

Unless you’ve entered a smaller marathon or managed to bag yourself a club or ballot entry you’re likely to be running on a charity place, with a hefty fundraising target.

You'll get ideas, plans and support with your fundraising, to help you raise as much as possible before the New Year. Having a hefty target hanging over your head, when you’re struggling through winter with training isn’t fun.

We will help you reach and exceed your fundraising goals!

Managing Motivation

Right now you’re keen and ready to go. But you wont always feel that way!

You'll get mindset hacks, tips and techniques for staying on track with your training and new healthier lifestyle, as well as motivation and mindset tricks to push through when training and running increasingly longer distances gets tough, as well as motivation tips for race day itself.

Prepare to Race

Finally, you need to plan and prepare for race day itself.

We’ll get you planning your travel and accommodation early on and give you guidance on what to expect at a Expo and on the morning in the race village, as well as tips on how to prepare and run your race.


Marathon Club Hub Summer RunCamp this year coached first time marathoners to run the Virtual London Marathon. Here are a few posts members of the group shared about their running success!

Meet Your Coach

My name is Helen and I am The Cheesecake Runner

In case you’ve never heard of me **horrified gasp**, here’s why I’m uniquely and firmly qualified to help you with preparing to train for your first marathon.

I’m a nutrition coach and work with runners. I’m a keen baker and cook, and I've been running on and off for about 20 years.

I took a break from being fit and healthy for about 10 years, but kicked my butt back in the game in 2012 and I’ve not looked back. Since then I’ve run countless halves and this year I ran my 17th marathon and I've a lot more planned to run next year!

I’ve run London 5 times, having bagged charity places ... then begged, grovelled, baked cakes and pleaded with friends for cash to reach my fundraising target.

I’ve been injured training and had to pull out and defer races, but I’ve always come back fighting for more … and I've got more focused, fitter and faster as I’ve aged.

Now aged 54 I’m leaner, fitter and faster than ever, and run with a Good For Age entry time … meaning I can now help you guys with fundraising and training, rather than stressing over my own cash pledge targets.

In 2017 I set up the London Marathon Training & Support Facebook Group which now has 10,000+ members, most of whom ran their first marathon with the support of this group.

In this group I worked with these first time marathoners helping them go from excited, yet apprehensive about running their first marathon and raising the thousands pledged for their charities, encouraging them to be awesome and achieve their own personal goals to realise their dreams.

I created Marathon Club Hub because you can only go so far with helping people in a Facebook Group.

I’ve seen runners struggling with their training, diet and nutrition, fundraising, motivation and nerves and not finding a solution, and also because I wanted people to know that there is a better way to train, raise money and prepare.

So in Marathon Club Hub I’m bringing to you my top game, my little black book of running friends, coaches and contacts, and a lifetime of lessons learned as a coach, marathon runner and experienced charity fundraiser.

🏆🎖🏃‍♀️ I want to see you succeed and realise your long held dreams. Let me help you on your journey to the finish-line 🏃‍♀️🎖🏆


The simple fact is this ...

Training for a marathon involves more than just following a running plan,

bashing out increasingly long runs each weekend


Marathon Club Hub is the COMPLETE SOLUTION and THE ONLY


you'll need to fulfil your long-held dream of running a marathon!

FREE marathon training plans just focus on running, and the on final 16 weeks of training for race day. They might give you some strength and conditioning exercises, and maybe some ‘seems pretty obvious’ diet advice, to help you get through training, but they wont give you the information and support you need with all the other things you need to know and to be doing to prepare for a marathon, such as nutrition and proper fuelling for your running, charity fundraising and getting your mind-set right to push through when training get’s tough.




You could search around the Internet and in Facebook groups for information, guidance and advice on how to train. It’s free and you can find out almost anything on the Internet these days. But how do you know that the advice given is right for you? And it’ll cost you hours of your precious time to find out the answers to your most pressing questions … time better spent training or raising funds for your favourite charity.

If you’re new to running or wanting to give your dream marathon your best shot, you need a programme that guides you to prepare in advance, so you’re strong and ready to run your best.

Marathon Club Hub is THE ONLY marathon training club that’ll give you ALL the critical information and advice you need to be confident you know exactly what you need to do to prepare to run your marathon next spring.

Don’t’ just take my word for it …

I have a Google Drive that is full to the brim with real life success stories and unsolicted love notes like this.

And NO, I did not pay these people to say all these nice things about me or my coaching.

I wish I could share ALL of the stories but that would mean, this page would be full and I wouldn’t have room to tell you about my Marathon Club Hub programme.

I'll save you the madness and just share some of the messages and stories I've received.

"Love this lady
Do yourself the biggest favour of your life and listen to her
She got me through this years marathon and I’m putting myself in it again next year and I have no doubt I will do it better thanks to Lady Cheesecake 🏃‍♂️

Dennis, VLM 2018 First Time Marathon Runner

"I just wanted to let you know I ran my very first full marathon last Saturday.

I am not a fast runner by any means, but my goal was to finish and feel good through the race and after, not feel like I could hardly make it to the end.

It was amazing! I had good nutrition and felt great!

I owe it all to you! I followed your Marathon Club Hub Fast Track Plan and nutrition advice.

Thank you so much!!!!"

Tammy, Comrades Marathon

"I only started running Oct17. I was a complete novice and clueless about running. I trained and ran VLM18 and was really gutted with my time so for VLM19 i wanted a bit more expert advice.

I loved that Marathon Club Hub is personal and the monthly and weekly live video broadcasts were an opportunity to ask my questions. It was great that I could also ask questions beforehand and use playback if I couldn’t be there live.

Marathon Club Hub has given me a much better idea on how to improve my performance through doing different types of training for my marathon and not just going out for long runs.

I’m also more confident about fuelling my long runs from the advice and support given.

Through the Marathon Club Hub community it was nice to know I wasn’t the only one with my questions!"

Joanne, London Marathon

"Hi Helen, I just wanted to share my achievement.

I've been following the Marathon Club Hub Ramp up Your Running autumn training plan and trying to sort my eating out too, as I work full time nights and that can be a massive issue for me!

I’m on week 3 and managed 4 minutes fast running with zero “oh my god I'm going to die” kind of thoughts running through my head.

Thank you! I can definitely see progress."

Sharon, Brighton Marathon

"I was recommended to join Marathon Club Hub by a friend and am so glad I did.

I had been following Helen's advice and coaching in her Marathon Club Hub and then had a one-to-one Get Set for Your Marathon Training call, and her advice has been invaluable.

I was concerned about how to get back to training after an injury and what to fuel with on long runs and the marathon to avoid the dreaded wall. Helen helped answer these questions and gave me so many pieces of advice and tips I now feel completely motivated.

Helen is a wealth of knowledge and experience, and has such a warm, friendly nature. She is so enthusiastic, you cannot help but be inspired!

I would highly recommend first timers, or seasoned runners who have lost their mojo, maybe due to injury or diet issues join Marathon Club Hub and have a coaching call with Helen. She is pleasure to work with."

Lynne, London Marathon


Any Questions?

I’m in! I need Marathon Club Hub to support me NOW. What happens next?

Whoop Whoop Whoop! I’m so excited! After you've completed your purchase, you’ll receive an email with your welcome, a link to the programme and next steps, including the link to join our private Facebook community where I hang out and help you through the programme.

Then it's up to to ... get going!

I want to run a marathon, but I’m not ‘a runner. Do you think I can? 

OMG, Yes Yes Yes! This is absolutely the right place for you. Marathon Club Hub will get you running, training well, eating right and will help you prepare for your marathon day success.

We’ll guide you every step of your journey to the finish line!

I was thinking of following a free marathon training program, how is this different?

This is totally different. Marathon Club Hub will help and guide you with all the other things you need to be doing, such as charity fundraising, stretching, strength and conditioning, sorting out your food to fuel your fitness, managing your mind-set, rest and recovery.

FREE marathon training plans just focus on running, and the on final 16 weeks of training for race day, they wont give you the information and support you need around other aspects of preparing for a marathon.

I am really busy, how much time will marathon training take?

I’m not going to beat about the bush here … training for a marathon takes lots of hard work, commitment and energy. When you get into peak training you’ll need to find time to train 3-5 times per week, including weekend long runs (or up to 3 hours) and strength and conditioning work. You’ll also need to factor in the time required to plan, prepare and deliver your charity fundraising events, which are an additional time drain.

However, with Marathon Club Hub you will save time, because we will guide you with giving you only the critical information you need to prepare and train for your marathon, as well as giving you ‘get ahead tips’ so you don’t leave everything to the last minute!

If your life is seriously stressful and busy you need to think long and hard whether you have time to train and prepare to running a marathon.

Will I have to go on a diet?

No absolutely not! Marathon Club Hub will give you guidance on how to eat healthy for your training, but the food advice in the programme is not a diet. If you’re a few pounds over weight and looking to lose this sensible eating advice could be the help you need!

Will I lose weight with Marathon Club and training for a marathon?

It’s notoriously difficult to lose weight whilst going through the final 12-16 training leading up to a marathon. As you ramp up your running and learn to eat a balance healthy diet, your body composition will change, but you won't necessarily lose weight.

So my advice is to focus now on your food and nutrition to make sure it’s optimized for your good health and for running. A poor diet will do you no favours when you’re in training!

What if I am recovering from an injury?

If you have an injury I advise you have your condition assessed by a physiotherapist who specalises in running injuries. They will be able to advise on the best rehabilitation for your particular issue.

The fundraising, food and strength and condition parts of preparing for your marathon can be kicked off whilst you’re being treated for and returning from injury.

You should always follow medical and your physiotherapists advice regarding returning to running. You might need to re-set your goals for your marathon training.

I am already training for a half, is Marathon Club Hub right for me?

YES. If you are just running mileage, without any thought to training or preparing for your marathon, joining Marathon Club Hub will support and guide you in training for your half, as well as all the other information, guidance and support you’ll get around other things you need to think of when training for your marathon.

Having a half, or a few halves, under your belt as you go into marathon training is excellent preparation for the hard work ahead!


So the only thing standing between you realising your dream of running a marathon is Marathon Club Hub

So now it’s up to you!

You can try to figure all this out your own, and whine, complain and grumble about the slow progress, the unchartered territories and the sheer frustration of trying to piece together a million things.

OR you can choose to say YES and grab your spot in Marathon Club Hub and save yourself months of trial and error and time wasting super expensive mistakes

Joining Marathon Club Hub you’ll get access to the key information you need to train for and get prepared to run … so that you can finally realise your dream of running a marathon next year

Running a marathon involves much, much, more than just running. Month by month Marathon Club Hub will explains and take you through everything else you need to know to get ready and prepared

This is your chance to have the forever solution, a solution that has been created with input from hundreds of marathon charity runners, just like you, who were nervous and unsure about running this time last year

Marathon Club Hub comes with a 1 month money back no questions asked guarantee. So there is no risk ... ZERO … to joining up today!

So there's really only one rational thing to do ... Join Marathon Club Hub TODAY!

Get started now!